
Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mass Effect 3 Cheat : Command Cheats


This is again submitted by MMaziD. This is what he says :

Submitted by: MMaziD
Email : 

-=Type this codes in command lists=-

Code                                        Effect
AddTargetToParty                          - Adds the targeted pawn to your party.
GiveXP int nValue                         - Gives [or take] experience to player - 
                                            cannot lower current level.
GiveTalentPoints int numPoints            - Gives [or take] talent points to player.
GiveBonusTalent int bonusIdentifier       - Gives bonus talents to player. 
                                            See 'Talent Codes' below.
GiveSpectreTalents                        - Unlocks Spectre talents.
PickSpecialization                        - Unlocks bonus classes.
GiveSuperArmor                            - Gives a light "Survivor X" armor with 8000 shields. 
GiveSuperGun                              - Gives a geth assault rifle with 25000 points of damage. 
GiveAll                                   - Gives one of each weapon, weapon mod, bioamp, omnitool,
                                            and grenade. Does not give armors.
GiveAllBioAmps string nmManufacturer      - Gives all bioamps to player. 
GiveAllOmniTools string nmManufacturer    - Gives all omnitools to player. 
GiveAllGrenades string nmManufacturer     - Gives all weapons of grenades to player.
GiveAllWeapons string nmManufacturer      - Gives all weapons of manufacturer to player.
GiveAllArmor string nmManufacturer        - Gives all armors of manufacturer to player.
GiveAllArmorHuman string nmManufacturer   - Gives all human armors of manufacturer to player. 
GiveAllArmorTurian string nmManufacturer  - Gives all turian armors of manufacturer to player. 
GiveAllArmorQuarian string nmManufacturer - Gives all quarian armors of manufacturer to player. 
GiveAllArmorKrogan string nmManufacturer  - Gives all krogan armors of manufacturer to player. 
GiveAllMods                               - Gives all weapon and armor mods. 
SetParagon int Points                     - Sets paragon points to specified value. (340 is max)
SetRenegade int Points                    - Sets renegade points to specified value. (340 is max)
AdjustCredits int #######                 - Increments or decrements the value of the party's 
                                            credits, to a maximum of 9,999,999. 
InitCredits int #######                   - Sets the party's current credits to this amount, 
                                            with a maximum value of 9,999,999.
InitSalvage int ###                       - Sets the amount of the party's total omni-gel count, 
                                            to a maximum value of 999.
KillCurrentTarget                         - Kills the currently targeted pawn. 
SetRunSpeed float speed                   - Sets your running speed to the specified value.
UnlockAchievement int nAchievementID      - Unlocks an achievement. See Achievement Codes below.
SetGender int ##                          - Changes the PC's gender; 0 is male, 1 is female. 
                                            Appears to affect body and voice, but not dialog flags,
                                            and doesn't seem to kick in until you zone.

Ghost                                     - Disables collision clipping, prevents falling.
Fly                                       - Disables falling.
Walk                                      - Enables collision clipping and falling.
Teleport                                  - Moves player to location at crosshair. 
At string newArea                         - Moves player to new area, places player 'at' the 
                                            area specified. 
SpawnVehicle                              - Spawns a Mako vehicle at the cursor location.
upgradevehicle 6 vehthrusterforcebooster  - Triples the thrust (power) of the Mako underjets. 
Exec string filename                      - Executes a specified file under the \Program Files\ 
                                            Mass Effect\Binaries directory...
GiveItem string nmActor int nSophistication string nmItemLabel string nmManufacturer
* Gives item to player. Note that the manufacturer string is optional. Sophistication 
  determines the 'level' (I, II, III, ... X)

GiveArmor string nmActor int nSophistication string nmArmorLabel
* Gives armor to player. 

KillAll BioPawn                           
* Removes the player's henchmen from the party and all nearby pawns from the world. This is 
  reported to cause problems when attempting to play through the full game without a party. 

GiveItem Self string Qa_SuperGun nmManufacturer -
* Gives geth-style Assault Rifle which does 30000 to 40000 damage, depending on which 
  manufacturer string is used. Non-geth manufacturer codes may or may not be geth-style.

* 4 more e-mail me...

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